Blogging the non-blogging in New Brunswick
I've been blogging a long time in New Brunswick, for close to four years now. Let's just say, I've seen many good and bad ones come and go, including Charles' original. :) But never have I witnessed a time when there have been so many daily bloggers inactive all at once:
[nbpolitico, spinks, j@ckp1ne, Countering the Nanny State, Blogcastnb, Sorry Centrist, To Be Announced, NB Tory Lady, Voice of the Association, Atlantic Insight, Muddy River Tories]
Thank goodness Gyps, Awareness, Koom, Burton Front, Alec Bruce, Harold Doherty, Workout Rob, Dubya Dubya, Chucky and David are taking up the slack. Without them, the province would be voiceless. Well, unless you count Irving and the mainstream media. lol
**Btw, congratulations to Gypsy for holding court at Carleton FreePress for the past year. His efforts and others there should be commended by us all. Let's hope they make a comeback.
Very common after an election.
I see the tumbleweeds.
not much to talk about other then who will be in the federal cabinet, Quebec election, etc.
Keep up the blogging bc alot of us here in the oil patch use it to talk about our home province and everything that is wrong with it.
I posted this morning, thanks for the nudge ;) I too was getting annoyed only have three regular NB reads - you, Spinks and the independent and they'd all been dead for a while until recently. Today's read found a new post on each since my last check.
Workout Rob is coming for you next. 1600m swim for time today.
re: NB Tory Lady
spinks: it's funny, b/c a lot of us are just plain tired, not mad like Politics NB was a few years back.
bill: there's always the options of photo shopping reindeer antlers onto Dan Brussieres.
Anon: Thanks. I'm thinking of blogging under my actual name and changes things up a bit. The format will stay the same though.
nbpolitico: glad I could help. lol I like to keep to spinks, Campbell, Bruce, Paul Wells, you, Rob, Koom, Coyne, Cato blog (Dan Mitchell), Daifallah (whose slowed down a bit b/c of commitment to the bar exam), Gerry Nicholls, Etc. I have to admit, keeping up posts on mine has been difficult lately. I've lost the spark (which all you know is necessary) to do this pro-bono on a daily basis. Plus, I think the wind has been taken out of the citizens of New Brunswick with unattainable promises gone by the wayside and no hope on the other side of the benches.
I guess that's the risk you take when you set the bar high with no actual (realistic) goals or plan.
Rob: NO, no, no. lol As for NBTL...ouch! I wondered why someone would go from 10 posts a day to a deleted blog.
rob did you swim on FAST
anon: no. I was a lifeguard through high school and university. I picked up my lap swimming habit after a few years of taco and pizza abuse at the UNB cafeteria needed to be addressed.
It's post election fatigue. Hard to keep up daily posting. Luckily ww has the ToW mayor and Council to keep giving blog fodder. NOw one of the Wolfville candidates has asked for a recount ... better get at it.
Giddy up ww!!!
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