Monday, August 25, 2008

Pollster Frank Graves is wrong too

There has been much speculation on what PM Stephen Harper will do after he summons the opposition leaders to his chambers. Some (mostly pundits and journos) believe the meeting to be a foregone conclusion and that [he] will pull the plug on the up-and-coming fall parliamentary session thus making a visit to the Governor General to call an early election. Again, one of the main theories being bandied about for an early election is that the PM wants to get it out of the way before the US election in November as many foresee an Obama victory as a momentum booster for the Canadian Libs:
"Pollster Frank Graves, for one, predicts that a Barack Obama victory will result in a big push - possibly a three-point gain - for the Liberals. Hence the prime ministerial rush."
Heck, it all sounds good coming from Mr. Dithers former pollster, but for reasons I listed about a month ago, the two political situations are not conducive, so therefore, the momentum in favour of Dion is capricious at best. If anything, an Obama victory would mean bad news for Dion.


At Aug 25, 2008, 7:54:00 PM , Blogger Iain G. Foulds said...

... Interesting thinking.
... You have to love the Opposition leaders pretending that they are too busy to meet Mr. Harper right now.
... Mr. Harper has no interest in calling an election now, as it would likely change nothing. And, we know that Mr. Dion has his share of weak qualities, but "suicidal" does not seem in character.
... Mr. Dion will step down soon, delaying any possible federal election for a year.
... And, Mr. McCain will choose a respected woman for a running mate, dooming Mr. Obama to the pages of history.

At Aug 26, 2008, 9:43:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

He doesn't exactly look or act like a fella that's stepping down anytime soon.

At Aug 26, 2008, 7:04:00 PM , Blogger Iain G. Foulds said...

... Nb... you are right... we'll see.

At Aug 27, 2008, 12:11:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dion's running scared.

At Aug 29, 2008, 10:24:00 PM , Blogger Iain G. Foulds said...

... Obama is finished. And, so is Dion.
... Pretty exciting.

At Aug 30, 2008, 11:15:00 AM , Blogger nbt said...

The latter is, but I wouldn't bet your house on the former losing, iain. Although, we can always hope.


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