Sunday, January 20, 2008

Nevada feculence

You'd expect such goings on in a state where gambling and prostitution are legal, but not from political organizers whose leaders are looking to control the country's purse strings. It's not surprising, although shocking just the same. (Hat tip The Daily Dish) Read it and weep:
I've just finished talking on the phone with my husband, Samuel Bartmess, about his experience today in the Nevada caucus in a town called Pahrump. He was in charge of one precinct; however, three other precincts were placed in the same cafeteria. Thus, four precincts (about 600 people) were all in one room. In this cafeteria he witnessed voter fraud and slime politics at its worst from the Clinton organizers and precinct captains.

The doors officially opened at 11 a.m., but by 10 a.m. Clinton voters swarmed the place. They had been told to arrive early because there were not going to be enough ballots to go around for everyone; thus, first come first served. By the time 11:20 rolled around Clinton organizers were shutting the doors even though this was not supposed to happen until noon. Samuel ran back and forth from his precinct to the door trying to make sure it stayed open and, thus, started the war of words between him and the Clinton people. Cheating followed. Obama supporters were told that there were no more ballots even though extras were around. Clinton voters were counted more than once in differing precincts. Temp chairs refused to register Obama voters. Undecided voters got their preference box marked for them as "Clinton" by Clinton people even though the undecided did not express a preference for the Senator. Overall, the four precincts were taken advantage of by the Clinton team because everything was so disorganized.

When Samuel tried to make things fair and organized he was told time and again that he didn't get to have an opinion because he was not from Nevada. He took the topic up with his Obama precinct captain who was unable to sway others into having a fair count. He had a number of arguments with those who were causing chaos and those who did nothing to stop the chaos. Overall, Samuel does admit that if the Clinton organizers had played fair that they probably would have won the precinct in the first place. However, they disenfranchised voters and out maneuvered the other campaigns by playing dirty politics. It was a Mob-ocracy of ruthless Clinton organizers. For Clinton's team, today was not a day about respect, it was not a day about uniting a country, it was not a day about people working together as one, it was a day of winning for the Clinton team. This mob intimidated and pushed their neighbors around. Samuel firmly believes more than ever that our campaign is about bringing the country together and the Clinton camp is for division.


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