Saturday, December 1, 2007

NDP and the senate

Can't say for certain, but I think it's safe to conclude that this gal wasn't consulted by Layton et al. regarding the drafting of a message on this website. Just sayin.


At Dec 2, 2007, 11:26:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. $80 million for 90 days of work? They don't work Mondays and Fridays, and don't have to reveal their families' investments!

Why won't Harper just give up on Senate reform already? The NDP is right. The Senate is an embarassment that has to go.

At Dec 2, 2007, 1:40:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I disagree with the above commentor. They should find a way to make it work because small provinces like NB, PEI and NS will not be as well represented as Ontario, BC, Quebec and Alberta as they are about to gain seats under the new bill put forward by the tories. Without a second elected branch, the maritimes voice will never be heard.

At Dec 2, 2007, 5:59:00 PM , Blogger NB taxpayer said...

I agree with anon above. There should be an attempt to keep the senate and reform it (make it more democratic), especially if the alternative is to have a unicameral system where the membership in the one house is based on rep by pop and not equal representation of each province.

In other words, it is a must that the other house balance out this regional inequality by being more equal in its representation. Plus, it could be a much more deliberative body than the house of commons on critical regional issues.

At Dec 3, 2007, 12:52:00 PM , Blogger Independent said...

1) Elect the senate, but for long terms, say 8 to 12 years. Single term limit. This eliminates the constant electioneering in the HoC, and the US Senate.

2) Stagger the elections, so only 1/3 of the Senate is ever turned over @ once.

3) MPs (and ex-MPs) ineligible to run for the Senate, ever. Senators may run for MP, but not while in office.

4) Run the Senate based on consensus, like the NWT legislature.

5) Divide Canada into regions, with equal represenation: Atlantic, Province of Quebec, Montreal, Southern Ontario, Toronto, Northern Ontario, Manitoba & Sask, Alberta, Interior BC + Van Island, VanCity.

6) Territories share a senator or two.

At Dec 3, 2007, 1:14:00 PM , Blogger NB taxpayer said...

Nice ideas Rob. Maybe you should appear before a senate reform committee when its struck?


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