Saturday, November 3, 2007

Finally cluing in?

I see former New Brunswick Tory president Lisa Keenan stated in her weekly column [yesterday] that her party needs to develope more of a solid policy direction --- and platform --- rather than continue with useless ad hominems directed at Shawn Graham. I couldn't agree more. Although, I have to admit, it is kinda curious coming from Keenan since she was one of the culprits who actually engaged in petty attacks of the premier.

Anyway, many would say that those kinds of things can be chalked up to the game of politics. And to tell you the truth, I can live with that. But what really bothers me at a whole different level (and I've said this many times before) is the fact that many high ranking members of the Tory party are buying into the arguement that the party's two year hiatus, both policy-wise and as a serious opposition, will have no effect whatsoever on their future chances electorally. I guess you could say this statement, by Keenan, reminded me of this:
"All this spells good news for the provincial Tories as they reorganize for the next electoral go-around, expected in 2010. [...] For the first time in several decades, the Official opposition has a real opportunity to limit its opponents to a single term in office."
Hmmm...hardly a hint of any "urgency" in that above statement, is there? Where have I witnessed that type of strategic complacency before? I know, I know!! It was the Dithers strategist that harboured that same mentality back in the winter of 2005 where they chose to sit on their hands in the first three weeks of 56-day campaign rather than take the time to outline their party's positions. I guess they thought Harper would stumble all on his own and hand them the keys to 24 Sussex. Unfortunately for them, because they did not plan much serious campaigning during December, this allowed the Conservatives to gain serious traction with voters while rolling out policy idea after policy idea. A strategy that turned out to be good for the federal tories, in that, they controlled the message from start to finish.

And don't forget the federal tories hammered away hard in Opposition for years prior to the general election (which, up to this point, can't be said about the NB provincial tories as they have given Graham's government a free pass for well over a year now).

So judging from recent election outcomes (both provincial and federal), I think it's safe to say that we are now in a political era where people demand more from their politicians and political parties. They want to see their party stand behind good policy, take the difficult stance on principle and be more open and tansparent. Which is why, as bad as the Graham government is these days, it will take an entirely different approach from the New Brunswick Tories if they are to have any hope in hell of unseating the Liberals come next election. Let's face it, it ludicrous for that party to just believe that Graham will hand them back the keys to power. Get real.


At Nov 4, 2007, 3:22:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Um, Lisa? It is a good idea, and one you obviously think is important in getting back to power....

But just now? Couldn't you guys have gotten to this sooner? Would have been more effective to start the day you were kicked out of office and not two and a half years after the fact. Popular vote or not, NBers may see this length of complacency as a party not quite fit to govern the province.


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