Thursday, October 25, 2007

Political correctness trumps commonsense. Kudos to Ezra for pointing that little detail out

If there was a terrible school bus accident where a nine-year-old child was killed and the bus driver in question may have had their vision impaired, wouldn't it make sense to ask the tough questions so that such an accident might be avoided in the future? Not according to the politically correct reporters from the Glib and Frail or the CBC at the scene.

Unsurprisingly, the left is turning this into a racist matter rather than address the obvious. Typical.


At Oct 26, 2007, 2:03:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

what does this h ave to do with lowering taxes and the nanny state?

At Oct 26, 2007, 3:40:00 PM , Blogger NB taxpayer said...

Commonsense has a lot to do with the way we govern, both socially and financially. The less we use of it, the worse things become.


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