Friday, October 26, 2007

Burning bridges already built?

After abstaining on a crucial vote and asking zero questions pertaining to the Throne Speech this past week, Liberal MP Dominic Leblanc [below] quickly went on the attack over his problems with the alleged Conservative 'in-and-out' election financing scandal.

Now I know it is the job of the Her Majesty's Loyal Official Opposition to oppose (or attack in this case), however, at what point will this overly partisan strategy against Harper's tories become so divisive that it begins to damage the diplomatic efforts made by your provincial cousins in New Brunswick?

In other words, will these irresponsible attacks by high profile NB Liberal MPs, like Mr. Leblanc, have a long lasting effect on the relationship between the Prime Minister and premier Shawn Graham? I have to believe they will.


It would seem the conservatives believe this particular statement, made by MP Dominic Leblanc, to be libelous:
"To date, we have learned that eleven of the former Conservative candidates and official agents implicated in this scandal were named to federal appointments or were hired in high profile government jobs. One has to wonder if there is a connection between their willingness to participate and employment by this Conservative government."
It will be interesting to see if the rhetoric tones down.


At Oct 28, 2007, 12:35:00 PM , Blogger Spinks said...

They ABSTAINED. The Liberals can say exactly jack squat about it because they threw their opportunity away. Man, talk about wanting your cake and eating it too.

At Oct 28, 2007, 12:54:00 PM , Blogger NB taxpayer said...

I know. It's like they learned absolutely squat from the ad scam days. This display solidifies why they need to be kicked to the curb even further by Canadians come next election.


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