What is Flaherty thinking?
Like I said before, there definitely must be something done with the corporate tax rate in this country. However, shifting the burden from business to personal taxpayers, like Minister Flaherty is urging, isn't the solution.
On a completely different note, it appears as though Timmy Ho's will be targeting Atlantic Canadians and Manitobans with higher coffee prices. Ouch!! What's even worse is that our Ontario counterparts will still be able to enjoy a double-double at the same price while paying 2 cents more for a couple thousand more timbits. Where's the justice? (Hat tip Gerry)
What is so hard for a politician to understand about - "I don't want to pay any more taxes! - I want you to spend less - just like I have to do in my household."
Flaherty isn't thinking, but then again none of them are when it comes to spending someone elses money.
As for the TimBit thing and more expensive coffee than Ontario. I'm waiting for the editorial brain trust at the Gleaner to lump that in with the "failed" Atlantic accord and blame Stephen Harper.
I'd rather pay a higher price rounded to $0.05 than anything dealing with pennies. In my perfect world coffee costs either $1.00, $1.50, or $2.00 ;)
Why aren't there price changes to hot drinks in Ontario??
kit: I completely agree. This government is looking more and more like it's predecessor every day. Without the scandals of course.
eugene: in my perfect world, coffee is free! lol
ellen: No sure, you would have to speak with Paul House about that one.
What proportion of the average joe's income goes to taxes in 2007 as opposed to 1957? 1977?
What proportion of the average corporation's revenue goes to taxes in 2007 as opposed to 1957? 1977?
Aha! Under your "pull our own weight" facade you're just like the rest of us Maritimers always looking for a handout! ;)
Richard: Well, since there hasn't been a true conservative government since before the Diefenbaker days (1950s), then that question is virtually moot.
eugene: you have found my weakness. lol
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