Thursday, May 24, 2007

Ex-Grit leader Doug Young goes green?

Porkbarrelling lobbyist posing as environmental saviour

When I picked the Telegraph Journal up this morning, I couldn't believe what I was reading on the very front page: "Ex-Grit leader goes green"! Huh? I know Doug Young has done some strange and off-the-wall things as a Liberal over the years, including taking out a Canadian Alliance membership back in 2000, but an environmental activist? This is completely obsurd.

Not that New Brunswick Taxpayer has anything against a "green agenda", but let's get a bit of perspective here folks, wasn't Mr. Young a government lobbyist for big industry [manufacturing companies] in Canada, including Irving, during his time at Summa Canada Strategies Inc.? Which begs the question: Did all the companies in which he did business with (or lobbied for) abide by environmental law? I think these are very important questions that Doug Young must answer before annointing himself "Lord of the environment".

As Einstein once said, "We can never solve our significant problems from the same level of thinking we were at when we created the problems". I love that quote, especially when thinking of Doug Young as a converted "green" lobbyist. And I don't mean "green" as in money, although it does suite the situation a little bit better, doesn't it.

But I digress as maybe I'm way off on this one. What do you (the readers) think? Is it "ok" for a guy like Young to be touting the environment as a big business lobbyist? Discuss.


At May 24, 2007, 7:11:00 PM , Blogger Spinks said...

I've never had the feeling that Doug Young was looking out for anyone but Doug Young. Call me...skeptical.

At May 24, 2007, 7:26:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Young was the king of FLIP-FLOP when he was in office. We all remember when he promised protection of social programs when he was attempting to get elected and then when he got in he touted the government line.

At May 25, 2007, 5:54:00 PM , Blogger NB taxpayer said...

Agreement on both fronts.


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